Progressing With Life

Oh, the joy of life. Sometimes fun, sometimes not, but always progressing. Whether you like it or not, you're always moving along. Until the Lord calls you home, you've got to keep on going. And absolutely the best advice to give to a bipolar patient about progressing with life is this — let go.

That's it. Let go! Let go of your problems, let go of your preconceived notions about life...let go of stress. Learn to drop things at the tip of a hat. Learn to drop fights and learn to makeup. Learn to drop your pride, drop your ego, and drop everything you thought you knew. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, once you're bipolar you don't have time to get caught up in unnecessary junk. You've got to learn to ebb and flow and fly and run, all without petty junk creeping up on you. So let go, give in to Love, and let the fear slide off of you. It's a great world, but you've got to open your eyes to it.

It's a little tougher when you're bipolar, but trust me, it CAN be done.