Getting Discharged

Cooperate. Cooperate. COOPERATE. COOPERATE!!!!

Just do what you are told. Take it easy. Treat the hospital like a vacation, but at the same time make the changes that they suggest. In therapy and during doctor's visits you'll be asked to do some things differently. Take these suggestions to heart because they can help! The reason you are there is to get some help, so don't waste your time.

While I was in the hospital there were a few things I learned pretty quickly. They really just wanted to get two things from me: a promise not to hurt anybody, and a willingness to take medication. This is probably one of the first places you will start, too. These are the two biggies. If you can master them then you are at least guaranteed to stay alive, which is a great first step to take. Some patients never get this far, so make sure you are not one of them. Once you get these two down, you are probably just a week or so from getting out.

As I said earlier you must also learn to speak honestly with your doctor. The fastest track home is by telling your psychiatrist what is truly on your mind. If he really knows what you're thinking then he will be better equipped to prescribe the proper medications. This is key! Be up front with him, be honest, and you will be walking out the door sooner because you will be properly medicated.

Go to all the meetings, be on time for the various activities, and treat the other patients well. If you cover all of those bases, as well as the previous tips, you'll have no problem executing your exit strategy.

Getting out is a piece of cake. As you are leaving remember to thank the folks that helped you out the most. They will appreciate it!