Game Time

The key thing to remember about game time is that it is an opportunity to get some physical activity. It is not really an opportunity to win, or dominate, or beat up on your opponent. The attendants don't want to see anyone be overly aggressive, or really even try that hard to win. They want to see participation. This isn't a tryout for the NBA or NFL! This is a chance to get beyond the realm of your TV room, or bedroom, and just get your arms and legs moving.

One time I spent an afternoon playing volleyball with some other patients. I turned a keen eye to this opportunity, essentially looking to play vigorously for a while, and then take a break. Other folks were more interested in messing around, not taking things seriously at all, and just not even staying organized. This is a key thing: staying organized, staying focused. The main reason anyone ends up in the hospital is because they can't behave properly, and behaving properly always includes an organizational component. What the attendants want to see is that you can stay within the confines of the game, keep things under control, and not get too upset if things don't go your way.

During one of my first stays, when I was sixteen, we got the opportunity to play soccer. Once again, I played a little, not getting too rambunctious. But some of the other kids decided that the best thing to do was to aim their kicks at other people. So, I just stopped playing and watched as they were reprimanded for their actions. What did this do? Well, they probably enjoyed an extra four or five days at the hospital. That's all acting out gets you - more time! Just like jail, the better you behave, the sooner you get out!

Enjoy the playtime, and don't let it get out of control. Keep a cool head even if the folks around you aren't.