
Topics To Remember:

Dead Man Walking Syndrome

Where the group ostracizes the individual for whatever reason, causing uncomfortable feelings in the individual.

Never Say Die Attitude

What a bipolar patient must absolutely have to live and succeed.


Complete and total acceptance that medication is now a part of life.

Fun Must Be Scheduled

Having fun must now be focused on and scheduled into every day.

Work Schedule

First shift, no late night or graveyard work.

Acceptance That Life Is Forever Different

Things have changed forever, adjust and move forward.

Believe In The Power To Do Anything

Without it, you'll never accomplish your dreams, much less avoid the hospital.

Become A Non-Violent Person

It's too easy to lose control, so you must turn into Ghandi.

Sleep As Much As You Need To

Everything else doesn't matter, sleep 14 hours if necessary.

The Street Is A Reality

It's easy to become homeless, realize that it's a reality so you can work to avoid it.

Share Constantly

Let the world in on your thoughts, it will improve your life.

Trust Your Doctor

He's there to help, treat him like a friend.

Use Your Day Wisely

Move forward with each day, don't waste time.

No Drugs

No drugs or alcohol, it's the only way to win.

Monitor Your Thoughts

You're the gatekeeper of your actions, it all starts with your thoughts.

Set Out To Change The World

It's easy to change yourself when your focus is on helping others.

Become A Power Producer

Produce, produce,'s easier to be healthy when you're working.

Destroy Obstacles To Your Own Success

Become a habitual troubleshooter, it will help keep you alive.

Accept and Enjoy Relationships

Life is easier with friends and family, don't push people away.

Become a Competitor

Make beating bipolar disorder a personal point of pride.