Shay Villere was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. At the age of 11, his family moved to Sacramento, California. He experienced a normal childhood performing well in academics, sports, and acting. He also enjoyed having many friends.

At the age of 16, Shay was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It occurred during his junior year of high school and eventually proved to be so severe he was forced to leave school and eventually take the California High School Proficiency Exam. Between the ages of 16 and 22 Shay was hospitalized five times for psychotic episodes. While sometimes being hospitalized for depression and mania Shay never attempted suicide.

Over the years Shay's doctors have prescribed several medications to treat his illness. At various times he has taken Lithium, Haldol, Paxil,Tegretol and Stelazine. Due to some of these prescriptions his weight has fluctuated between 180 and 310 lbs. Shay estimates it took four years to find the right combination of medications. He is now 31 years old and has carried 230 lbs. on a 6' 7" frame for the last ten years.

Shay considers himself to be a successful bipolar disorder patient. While dealing with his illness he has still managed to complete a four-year college degree program in the computer field, hold well- paying, fulfilling jobs, buy a home, many a wonderful woman, and enjoy a beautiful young daughter!

He has continued to enjoy an extended network of friends and cites his parents as the most important aspect of his support system.